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• Насос мощностью 15 бар обеспечивает бархатистую пенку крема
• Настройка количества и крепости кофе на экране
• Три настройки температуры
• Функция чашки XL
• Функция экономии энергии автоматически выключает кофемашину через 1 минуту после приготовления напитка
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Вы получите товар на 08.02.2025
11. - 13. февраля
The automatic, ultra-compact NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® pod coffee machine has been designed with creativity and simplicity in mind. Just slide in your chosen NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® pod, customize your beverage by turning the control ring and press play: your coffee machine will automatically stop at the right moment to get you the perfect beverage.
Create professional quality coffee at home in less than 30 seconds with a thick velvety crema thanks to its max 15 bars bar high-performance pump perfectly extracting the delicate flavor and premium aromas of each coffee pod.
Customize your drink by adjusting the level of intensity so you can adapt your coffee to your taste and enjoy an intense espresso option thanks to its espresso boost technology.
From warm to very hot, you can customize the temperature right to your personal preference and coffee occasion thanks to three different temperature settings easily accessible at the touch of a button. Whether you are in a rush and up for a warm coffee or you invite friends with different coffee preferences, you can be sure your new machine is able to brew the coffee at the right temperature.
You have the freedom to go big. The XL option allows you to make a bigger drink for when you’re on the go.
With hermetically sealed pods, which preserve the fresh taste, you’ll enjoy rich aromatic cups every time.
Enjoy over 50 premium coffee creations. From a choice of frothy Latte Macchiatos, delicious Cappuccinos, smooth Americanos to hot chocolate, teas and more.
Your coffee machine is so versatile that you can also prepare delicious cold beverages with ease. Make sure you try new Cold Brew Coffee!
Whilst this machine has an A+ rating in energy consumption, if you forget to switch your machine off before leaving, it will automatically turn off after 1 minute of inactivity thanks to its eco mode feature.
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