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Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X

Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X
  • Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X

Gorenje, 11 комплектов посуды, серебристый - Отдельностоящая посудомоечная машина Товар - GS541D10X

Код товара: GS541D10X Производитель: Gorenje
419.99 €


Товар можно приобрести в следующих розничных магазинах

Gorenje dishwasher offers several convenient features and programs to ensure quick and efficient dishwashing. The 15-minute quick wash function allows you to enjoy clean dishes faster than ever before, while the eco program and glass program take care of energy savings and gentle cleaning of glassware. Versatile basket systems and a self-cleaning filter make use easy and convenient.

• Hot water connection for shorter wash cycles and lower energy consumption
• MultiClack adjustable basket system with two levels
• Self-cleaning filter with automatic clogging prevention
• Third rack for cutlery

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15 min speedwash 
Imagine throwing a dinner party and the dishes from the main course are cleaned in the time it takes to serve dessert. When you select the one hour programme together with the SpeedWash function, Gorenje dishwashers will do your dishes in only 15 minutes. Perfect for handling the volume of dishes created by having multiple guests in the house.

Eco programme
When you select the ECO programme, your appliance will use lower wash and rinse temperatures and minimise the amount of water required while still achieving effective dirt removal.

Glass programme 
With this specially developed glass programme, Gorenje dishwashers will take gentle care of all of your glassware. Due to the lower washing temperature it is safe to use even on crystal glasses.

Hot water connection 
Gorenje dishwashers can also be connected to hot water (max. 60 °C) instead of cold. Choosing hot water connection cuts programme times and reduces the dishwasher's electricity consumption. An environmentally and budget-friendly solution for your family.

The truly simple two level basket adjustment system allows you to fit even the biggest pots and plates. It makes your dishwasher's interior completely adjustable to your current needs.

Self-cleaning filter 
The combination of the rinsing system and automatic filter clogging prevention ensures that the filter operates flawlessly and demands considerably less maintenance.

Sliding detergent dispenser
The new Gorenje dishwashing appliances are fitted with a minimalistic sliding detergent dispenser from where the pod pops out silently. The functionally of easy-to-clean dispenser makes better detergent dosage and wash all types of dishes.

Start delay 
Program to start the dishwashing process later and let the dishwasher work whenever it is most convenient, for example when electricity is cheaper. The dishes will be perfectly washed right when you need them.

Third rack 
Convenience within reach. The third rack functions as a neat cutlery or utensils tray. It is positioned at the top of the tub, ensuring the best washing and drying result as well as adding to the usable space to accomodate items in the lower rack.

Top spray shower 
The additional spray shower, located at the top of the dishwasher, ensures better water coverage and thoroughly rinsing with more efficient washing results. All dishes and cutlery will always be washed to perfection.

Total AquaStop 
With the AquaStop safety feature, the dishwasher can be safely left to operate at night as well as in your absence. In case of a leakage or flooding, AquaStop automatically cuts off the water supply while the pump drains the water out of the dishwasher tub. AquaStop remains fully functional over the lifetime of the appliance.

Excellent for quick drying with low energy consumption. After the washing cycle, the dishwasher door automatically opens just slightly to let out the excess steam. This allows fresh air to reach the tableware, so the washed items like plastic dishes dry completely.


  • Посудомоечная машина

    Тип установки
    Класс энергоэффективности D
    Потребление энергии 72 kWh/100 циклов
    Количество комплектов 11
    Потребление воды 9,5 л/цикл
    Длительность эко-программы 205 мин.
    Количество программ 5
    Количество температурных режимов 5
    Система сушки TotalDry
    Количество корзин 3 шт
    Отделение для столовых приборов Да
  • Функции

    Функции AquaStop, отложенный запуск, автоматическое открытие дверцы
    Дополнительные функции самоочищающийся фильтр, подключение к горячему водоснабжению
    Программы интенсивная, автоматическая, половинная загрузка, мойка стаканов, ECO
  • Регулировка

    Pегулируемая верхняя корзина Да
  • Габариты

    Ширина 44,8 см
    Высота 84,5 см
    Глубина 60 см
    40 кг
  • Общие параметры

    Дисплей да
    Уровень шума 45 дБ
    Производитель Gorenje
    Цвет серебристый
    Номер постановления 2019/2017




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